Unreal Projects
Blueprints, TechArt, Unreal Engine

A Playground for Experiments
Less structured posts here, showing a thing or two in Unreal Engine. Experiments and purposeless play.
One of my passions is learning. I'm always pushing and evolving my craft. Here are a few things I've executed on that journey.
A basic melee combat system using raycasts and animation notify, custom 3rd person player controller using GAS, smooth camera zoom, and custom UI with saving and loading from data tables.
This uses Epic’s paragon assets.

It takes a different kind of artist to appreciate DataTables. While not visually interesting to look at, this table makes me happy.
Everything is written to a file and loaded from the same file upon entering play mode. This allows a basic saving of character state, allowing you to grow in power, level up, and unlock abilities.